mobile museum of tolerance bus

Grayslake District 127  is proud to partner with the Simon Wiesenthal Center to bring the Mobile Museum of Tolerance (MMOT) to Grayslake Central and Grayslake North! 

Unlike a traditional museum, the MMOT does not have physical artifacts or traditional exhibits. Instead, the MMOT has workshops with a unique multimedia format, each between 40-45 minutes long, followed by a dialogue facilitated by the classroom teacher.  

A short YouTube video introducing the Mobile Museum is available here

The Mobile Museum of Tolerance will visit our campuses on the following dates:

  • Grayslake Central High School: Tuesday, September 5 through Friday, September 8, 2023. 

  • Grayslake North High School: Monday, September 11 through Friday, September 15, 2023.  

The MMOT can accommodate 6 presentations per day, and teachers in numerous classes have signed up to bring students during prescribed classroom time. The teachers who have signed up for their classes will contact students and families with additional information. 

Based on the subject matter most appropriate to their classes, teachers can choose from one of three presentations. 

  • Civil Rights: Students will view a documentary featuring numerous American civil rights heroes and draw comparisons between the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 60s with other fights for civil rights throughout US history. 

  • The Power of Ordinary People:  This workshop explores the various roles that ordinary people played in resisting and enabling the events of the Holocaust, leaving students with the understanding that they must take an active role in preventing hate and promoting tolerance in their communities. 

  • Digital Media Literacy: This workshop provides students with the tools to identify and analyze potentially harmful media, stand up against hate and violence online, and develop strategies to create a positive social media presence. 

Given the hate-based violence in Jacksonville, Florida, and the overall increase in hate incidents throughout the nation, we are reminded of the need to promote tolerance and prevent hate in our community. District 127 is excited to give our students the opportunity to participate in this unique experience. 

If you want to know more about the Mobile Museum of Tolerance or the Simon Wiesenthal Center, please visit their website by clicking this link. 

If you have questions regarding the Mobile Museum of Tolerance, please contact:

  • Jule Brynyczka, Grayslake Central Associate Principal for Teaching and Learning: (847) 986-3369

  • Jeff Schagrin, Grayslake North Associate Principal for Teaching and Learning:  (847) 986-3175