Student Rights and Responsibilities
The primary mission of the schools in Grayslake Community High School District 127 is to create a stimulating learning environment for every student, every day. Such an environment includes a broad exposure to the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a democratic society. Therefore, opportunities are presented for students to exercise rights and assume citizenship responsibilities.
Individuals must understand their human rights, respect those rights for self and others, and learn how to exercise their rights without infringing upon the rights of others. Being a member of the community, students are responsible for the exercise of individual rights and must accept the consequences of personal actions and recognize the boundaries of individual rights.
The school rules apply to students while in the school building or on the grounds of District 127, commuting to and from school (including while on school buses and at bus stops), while on school sponsored field trips, and while attending activities in which District 127 is a participant. Additionally, students may be disciplined for any off-campus conduct in violation of school rules that impacts or is likely to impact the school, students, staff, the school environment, and/or the district’s educational mission.
Students have a right and a responsibility to know the rules and regulations for which they are held responsible in accordance with the student handbook. Among the topics covered in the student handbook are social conduct, lockers, lunchroom, health and safety, transportation and activities. Students will sign an acknowledgement indicating their receipt and understanding of the information outlined in the student handbook. Students will be afforded due process and informed of their offense and the facts giving rise to the proposed discipline with an opportunity to state their views.
District 127 expectations for student behavior are developed in accordance with federal, state and local statutes and Board of Education policies. Rules for student behavior are reviewed annually by the district’s handbook committee. This committee shall be composed of students, parents/guardians, teachers, administrators and Board of Education representative.
The Board of Education has established and maintains reciprocal reporting agreements between the School District and local law enforcement agencies regarding criminal offenses committed by students. The Board’s policy manual is available at each building and in the district office. The district reserves the right to alter school policies and procedures during the school year after the Student Handbook is printed. Any changes will be communicated to the students during daily announcements and communicated to parents digitally.