In District 127, teaching and learning practices are aligned to our mission. We strive to ensure meaningful learning for every student, every day. By engaging in challenging tasks in all disciplines, students draw upon their strengths to pursue their passions and become innovative problem-solvers who contribute responsibly and effectively to their communities.
To ensure a rich learning environment for every student, District 127 develops and renews a varied curriculum. Students experience a core academic program designed to provide flexibility in addressing their academic strengths and growth areas through varied courses. Students participate in fine and applied arts classes and choose among an array of elective offerings to pursue existing passions and discover new interests.
Powerful classroom instruction promotes learning. All members of the District 127 community engage in ongoing professional development. Our goal is to define, revise, and implement research-based instructional strategies on an ongoing basis so that learners gain new understandings and transfer learning to new and unique situations.