Cum Laude Information
In the pursuit of our mission, and following our important departure from sorting students using class rank, we are excited to announce a new system of recognition that honors all students who meet high expectations. Honored students excel in the areas of dedication, character, volunteerism, responsibility, pride, and excellence while earning a high G.P.A. Students recognized for this achievement at Senior Honors and Awards Night will receive a special demarcation to wear on graduation day. Students can also add their Cum Laude status to college or employment applications.
Award Designations and Initial Qualifiying Requirements
CUM LAUDE: Initial qualifiers must have a seven semester GPA of at least a 3.0 AND earn a "C" or better in ONE class from the Excellence category below.
MAGNA CUM LAUDE: Initial qualifiers must have a seven semester GPA of at least a 3.75 AND earn a "C" or better in THREE or more classes from the Excellence category below.
SUMMA CUM LAUDE: Initial qualifiers must have a seven semester GPA of at least a 4.25 AND earn a "C" or better in FIVE or more classes from the Excellence category below.
Additional requirements for any level of award are listed below. Students must complete all of them to earn an award. Qualifying students must submit their completed application by February 15th of senior year. Students earning an award will be notified by spring break and invited to Senior Honors and Awards Night. Students who believe they should have been awarded an honor, but were not, may appeal using the form in the Cum Laude folder by April 15th.
To qualify for any level of Cum Laude award, students must meet the requirements below. Qualifying students must submit their completed application by February 15th of senior year. Students earning an award will be notified by spring break and invited to Senior Honors and Awards Night. Students who believe they should have been awarded an honor, but were not, may appeal using the form in the Cum Laude folder by April 15th.
Students must show dedication to their studies by earning a minimum of 26 credit hours.
Students should demonstrate good citizenship as evidenced by their discipline record. In addition to the consistent demonstration of “Knights Way” at North, and the “RAMS Way” at Central, an awarded student must have no suspensions or code violations during their tenure in District 127.
Students must give back to their school and larger communities by serving a total of 50 community service hours to be tracked and later submitted by the student via the Google form. These hours may include both school-sponsored and non-school-sponsored activities.
Students must demonstrate responsibility by having a cumulative rate of attendance of 95% attendance or higher.
Students must earn five units of leadership experience from the following list. Each item earns a student one unit. Students will be required to list all qualifying activities in the application.
Active participation in one year of a club/activity (can be used more than once)
Named to a leadership role in your club/sport (can be used more than once)
One year of serving as a student tutor (can be used more than once)
Participation in one sports season (can be used more than once)
Athletic council/SAALT (can be used more than once)
Athletic trainer or team manager (can be used more than once)
Earn Seal of Biliteracy (can use only once)
Earn personal recognition in art or music
Thespian member (can use only once)
Member of Art, Music, Language or other Honors Societies (can use one time only for each society)
Community recognition for contributions (each recognition is one unit)
Earn a Career Pathway Endorsement on your transcript
Other experiences as approved by your counselor. If in doubt, include it!
Students must earn a "C" or better in any of the following courses in accordance with the desired award level. Cum Laude students must take at least one from the list below, Magna students must take 3 or more, and Summa must complete 5 or more:
Any Advanced Placement Course (see course guide for complete list)
Any Dual Credit Course (see course guide for complete list)
Dual and articulated credit Technology Campus courses (see course guide for complete list)
District 127 reserves the right to give special consideration to students whose extenuating circumstances prevented them from meeting one or more of the requirements.
Students who violate one or more of the criterion above prior to graduation may be stripped of their Cum Laude status.